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Shiner Trail

We helped Shiner tap into the massive audience on the business communication app Slack by creating The Shiner Trail — the first branded game on this platform.


With over 200 million brands on Instagram alone, it can be tough for regional companies like Shiner to cut through the noise in traditional social channels.

But there’s one app with a massive userbase, consistent engagement, and zero marketing from other beer brands.

Inspired by the gameplay from other retro roleplaying games, we sent users back to turn-of-the-century Texas on a journey across the state and to the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, TX.

Through a mix of real-time strategy and exciting minigames, we paid tribute to the original 5,000 mile journey taken by Shiner’s first brewers, giving our audience a deeper appreciation for the brand’s long history in Texas and a fun break from work.